Psychology of obesity

Psychology of




LP Marisol Barradas Lagunes

Bariatric Psychology


LP Zaira Rosas Jacinto

Bariatric Psychology

In addition to the risk to physical health, obesity is associated with social and psychological alterations; to a decrease in quality of life and poor eating habits.

a) Social alterations mainly consist of: decreased self-esteem, discrimination, prejudice, social isolation, unsatisfactory relationships and problems at work. Patients with obesity often do not feel understood, sometimes even by health professionals. Sometimes routine activities can be a constant struggle, such as crossing your legs, finding a seat on public transportation, putting on your socks, or looking for clothes you like.

b) Psychological alterations are present in 8 out of 10 patients with obesity. To a greater or lesser degree of severity these are: depression, anxiety and low self-esteem. These effects are the cause and consequence of weight gain, producing a vicious circle around the person, and leading to frustration, anger, disappointment and feelings of helplessness in patients when trying to lose weight.

c) The social and psychological alterations, as well as the physical conditions caused by obesity, are strongly associated with a decrease in quality of life. This problem, on many occasions, is not accepted by patients, which leads to a deteriorated quality of life that the patient infers as natural or normal.

d) Obesity has multiple causes, such as genetic, physical, emotional, cultural, among others. All of these causes translate into the action of bad eating habits, leading through them to the problem of obesity. The most common eating habits in patients with obesity are:

    Rigid diets, alternating with disinhibition, anxiety attacks and compulsive "binge eating." Frequent snacking on high-calorie snacks, such as peanuts or cookies. Anxiety for sugar, such as cakes, bread or chocolate. Higher caloric intake in the evening or at night, with periods of morning fasting. Eat food quickly. Drinks with high calorie content, and little intake of zero-calorie drinks.

Psychological intervention attempts through cognitive methods, tips, behavioral reinforcement and self-stimulation to help understand and combat the social and psychological alterations typical of obesity, to achieve an improvement in eating habits and thus improve quality of life.

What does psychological support consist of?

Initial preoperative evaluation

Structured interview, personality analysis and quality of life. As well as those behavioral patterns related to food and the causes of obesity. Our psychologist will contact you within the month prior to your surgical procedure. This interview can be carried out by call, video call or in person.

Online group sessions

Group sessions are the basis of psychological monitoring. These have the objective of reinforcing typical aspects and frequent psychological situations in patients undergoing bariatric surgery. Support will come from two vectors, one, your psychologist and two, other patients who will share their experiences. See calendar of monthly sessions.

Face-to-face group sessions


Group sessions are the basis of psychological monitoring. These have the objective of reinforcing typical aspects and frequent psychological situations in patients undergoing bariatric surgery. Support will come from two vectors, one, your psychologist and two, other patients who will share their experiences. See monthly session calendars.


Support group

Our support group on Facebook shows constant activity, patients who share their experiences, questions, concerns, fears and other situations that are beneficial to everyone. In our support group you will be able to interact publicly or privately with other patients who have undergone or are considering undergoing a surgical procedure to treat obesity. Join the support group.

Individualized sessions

In specific cases, some patients require individualized sessions to address alternative issues or issues associated with the weight loss process, such as grief, changes, social or family crises. Our psychologists Marisol Barradas and Zaira Rosas can support you in this process. Individualized consultations cost $400 pesos (Exclusively for Obesity Health patients).

Educational content


Access to educational content through videos, live sessions and blogs. Topics of general interest related to the management of emotions and anxiety about eating. Access educational content in psychology.


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